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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Club Penguin: The Party we've been waiting for: The Star Wars Takeover Party!

Hello jedi and penguins out there!

Club Penguin Is going to launch a "Star Wars Takeover Party" starting July 27 till August 14. ( 3 weeks is a long time for a Club Penguin party! A normal party lasts two straight weeks.) Following the recent "Monsters  University Takeover Party, the reason why this is happening is because Disney bought Lucasflim, which owns Star Wars, on October last year. As CP is licensed by Disney, Disney too purchased Marvel, which led to the first-ever Marvel Superhero Party, featuring the Avengers, which took place on June 2011.

The characters substitute the Star Wars characters as following:
Leia Organa--Cadence
R2-D2-- Puffle
Luke Skywalker, Pilots, Stormtroopers, Han Solo, C-3po, Chewie--Ordinary Penguins
Darth Vader--Herbert P.Bear

The feature poster is

How do you like this event?
You can leave your thoughts in the comments section..

Monday, July 1, 2013

Upcoming Movies....

Here are some upcoming movies you may look out for!

Emmet is an ordinary minifigure whom is mistaken for a Master Builder, the only one who can save the universe. But with the help of the mysterious Vitruvius, Lucy and Batman, Emmet would be able to defeat the evil tyrant President Business, who is bent on destroying the universe by glueing it together.

Featuring Chris Pratt as Emmet, Elizabeth Banks as Lucy, Will Arnett as Batman, Liam Neeson as Bad Cop, Will Ferrell as Presidnt Business and Nick Offerman as Metalbeard.

Release date:  7 Feb 2014

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